We created and maintain the portfolio website of professional graphic designer and artist Eliana McGlinchey. This website has allowed her to consolidate her online presence and become more noticeable and professional to potential employers. Eliana has worked for elexicon as a web designer and has done contract work for companies like Opti-Luxx and the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, among others. We worked with her from beginning to end to ensure that the final product would have the exact look and feel that she envisioned. Upon launching the site, we saw immediate success in SEO and speed metrics over her past portfolios because of our commitment to quality, no-bloat development and SEO-conscious design.
We created a website over the pandemic to give regular people a clear risk assessment of COVID-19. We were given clearance to use the private CDC database of COVID-19 cases for educational and awareness purposes. This website serves to demonstrate our ability to complete specific, demanding technical projects and make them simple and accessible. This website was created as a data science portfolio project for Jaden Henderson and as such is barebones in terms of design.